From the Pastor

Rev. Clay Burdette

What a joy it is to be the pastor of a group of people who are seeking to know God! He has done so much for each of us. We are not perfect people here at First Baptist Church Marshallville but God has called us from an imperfect past and is at work in us. He is transforming this group of people to become more like Him and accomplish his purpose in our community.

I do not know your story or circumstances but everyone is welcome here at First Baptist Church Marshallville. Maybe you have questions about who God is and if He loves you. We would love to have the opportunity to show you through His word that God does indeed love you. We welcome you to come and see if God is calling you to worship with us. Jesus said that others will know we are His disciples by our love for one another. I hope when you visit here you will be quick to see the love Jesus’ disciples have for one another and for you.

Life is messy but no question is too big for God.  The Bible teaches us about life and where we come from and where we are going. Please feel free to come and have your questions answered by God’s word.

Pastor Clay’s journey to marshallville

I was raised in a godly home where we regularly attended church. It was not until age 11 that I realized that I did not know God personally. Since starting school I had a deep fear that something would happen to me and I would die. But on one day at a church meeting I realized the reason I was afraid of dying was that I did not know what would happen if I died. On that day I realized that no matter how good I acted I could never be good enough to get to heaven. It was then that I realized God had given His Son to take away my sin. I had to decide if I wanted to remain in control of my life or give control to God. In giving God control He took responsibility for my past and future life making it possible for me to know heaven was my home when I died so that never again have I been afraid of dying.

At 16 I met the girl that would eventually become my wife. She loved the Lord very much and had been a Christian for nearly as long as I had. We grew up together and eventually married. That is when I truly learned what surrender meant. I understood at 18 years of age that the Lord had a desire for me to do more in Christianity than I was doing. I often clung to my own ideas and would wrest control away from God until He convinced me that His way was best. As I grew closer to the Lord, I finally surrendered to the point of making myself available for anything the Lord would have me do.

 As a result of that decision my wife, Dawn, and I moved from our home in Georgia to South Carolina to begin college for me. After a year in South Carolina, we believed God was telling us to move to Plainview Texas where I would complete my education at Wayland Baptist University. While in Plainview we were called to pastor First Baptist Church, Aiken Texas for almost 4 years and 3 of our Children were born while we were in Plainview.

In 1994 we were called to pastor Roberta Baptist Church in Roberta, Georgia and were there for almost 10 years where God added one more child to our family and then moved us to another church near Roberta, Zenith Road Baptist Church. A lot of life happened while we were at Zenith Road Church. God blessed us with 2 more children and a loving church family. We served as their pastor for 10 years when the woman I met at age 16 went home to be with the Lord and my mother who lived with us also went home to the Lord that same year. I continued to pastor Zenith Road for 3 more years until 2020.

That is when God made it obvious that He had plans for me at First Baptist Marshallville. I moved here for a time of healing and being loved on by a wonderful group of people. When our pastor retired, the church called me to be their pastor and I have been since March of 2023. Come enjoy our time together and let me know if you want to know some of the details I left out.

Life is a journey and I know you are on a journey as well. We would love to be part of your life journey.

Have Questions?

Send us a message!

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Sunday School 10:00 am

Worship Service 11:00 am


Prayer Meeting & Bible Study 6:30 pm

Covered Dish Dinner (2nd Wednesday) 6:30 pm

Nursery Available





307 East Main Street

Marshallville, GA 31057

*Click here for directions



At First Baptist Marshallville, we regularly record our services and post them to our Facebook page. We invite you to visit our Facebook page to view our latest sermon videos.
